Tax alert
Voluntary disclosure and trusts
The Dutch Ministry of Finance has published clarification with regard to classification for tax purposes of “inferior loans”, i.e.: dead loans or long term loans (over 50 years): with regard to these, the lender is entitled partial or entire payment only in the event of
In a recently published ruling on the matter of Rosebud, the question of classification of income from sale of shares and real estate was discussed with regard to defining a CFC – Controlled Foreign Corporation.
Summary of the main facts of the case:
Many Israelis encounter considerable difficulty when transferring funds abroad in order to purchase assets, shares in foreign corporations, etc. This is because the Income Tax Ordinance determines compulsory deduction of tax at source for an Israeli paying a foreign resident, at the companies tax rate (currently 24%); or alternately 25% in the case of a foreign individual resident.
As is well known, since 2005, alternately and in different variations, citizens had the option existed for submitting a request to the Israel Tax Authority, to arrange and disclose data on income and assets that had previously been concealed, rather than disclosed as required under the law.